Listen online or download past sermon messages; find applications and forms; sign up for email announcements, prayers, and updates; and find Bible reading plans. And as always, if you need help finding something, just give us a call.
Church Center App
Stay connected with The Chapel anytime, anywhere with our mobile app. The Church Center app makes it easy to register for groups & events, listen to messages, request prayer, give online, and more. To download the app, click on the buttons below or search for "Church Center" in your app store (it's published by a company called Planning Center). After it's downloaded, follow the prompts to access. Contact the office if you have any questions or problems.
Church Directory
The Chapel Photo Directory is part of the Church Center App. It's a great way to learn the names and faces of your church family AND allow new members to get to know you. Use it to help you pray for and serve our local body of believers. You can update your own information and upload pictures for each member of the family. Your information is secure; only those who are invited by a church admin can access the directory, and you choose what contact information you feel comfortable sharing.
Members and regular attenders are invited to join (contact The Chapel office for instructions and/or permission to access the directory).
Access our bulletin - The Chapel Weekly - by clicking on the date you wish to view.
Chapel Library
The Chapel Library features commentaries and studies, fiction and non-fiction, children's books, and DVDs. The library is located in the lobby. Librarians are generally available before and after services to help locate and check out books. A paper check out system is also available throughout the week.
Recommended Reading
Find books referenced in messages and sermons HERE.
Bible Reading Plans
The Chapel seeks to obey God and can see no better way to do that than to study and learn from His infallible Word, the Bible, and then apply those lessons to our daily lives, through love and service to others. We want to help you meet God in His Word. Below are some plans to help you read through the Bible. Some offer a great starting place if you're new to God's Word and want an overview. Other plans offer further study from six months to three years.
Chronologically & cross-referenced, this plan takes you through the entire Bible over the course of two years, in less than 10 minutes each day. Available as an App or print (ask The Chapel office for a copy) and includes a study guide.
Discipleship Journal Plans (Navigators)
- Entire Bible in 1 Year (readings from four separate places in Scripture each day)
- Book-at-a-time
- 5x5x5 (New Testament in 5 days a week, 5 minutes a day)
Various reading plans available in RSS, iCal, Mobile, Print, and Email formats
Various reading plans available in print (PDF) and through the Ligonier App
Downloadable Plans
Overview of the Bible (6 weeks - 26 weeks)
Overview of each book of the Bible (6 months)
Read the entire bible - 1 Chapter a Day (3 years) - Entire Bible in 1 Year (readings from four separate places in Scripture each day)
Below are some online resources to help you grow your relationship with Jesus, be encouraged in living out the Christian faith, and share God’s truth with others. While we trust you will find the subject matter beneficial, we encourage discernment when visiting any website by judging the content against the truths of Scripture.
Apologetics (defending the Christian faith)
Bible Study
Personal Growth
Evangelism (sharing the Christian faith)
Marriage & Family
(Recommended Books)
Addictions: A Banquet in the Grave: Finding Hope in the Power of the Gospel by Edward T. Welch
The Heart of Addiction: A Biblical Perspective by Mark E. Shaw
Care Ministry (Biblical Counseling)
The Chapel's FREE Care Ministry gives biblical guidance for your relationship with Christ and others. Our lives are shaped by how we think and what we love. These two areas have an incredible impact on how we interpret our life situations. No matter our struggles - interpersonal relationships, marriage, anxiety, PTSD, abuse, adoption, infertility, abortion, parenting, addictions, sexual issues, guilt and shame, anger, depression or Christian faith issues (assurance of salvation, etc.) - God's Word does have the answers.
Spotify Playlists
We have several playlists we hope will lead you in praise to God and help you keep your focus on Him.