Reverb Student Ministries' aim for a student is to “make your life be heard.” Make a disturbance in your home, your school, your community, and your world for the gospel and for Jesus Christ. Make your life and its impact keep going long after you’ve left. We desire for students to seize the great call God has on their lives right now to make a huge difference for the kingdom of God.

Students in grades 7-12 meet on Sunday mornings and throughout the week.  Contact Andy Callis to get involved.

Fall 2024 Calendar

General Consent Form

room with tables and chairs, a speaker, and wall graffiti that says we love because he first loved us 1 John 4:19

sunday mornings

9:00 am - Cafe & Student Worship Area

For students it is early, but this hour is designed to wake them up to the reality and practicality of God's Word. Then we join everyone upstairs for the 10:30 Worship Service.

Wednesday Night "RELOAD"

6:30pm-8:00pm – At The Chapel
Rec starts at 6:00pm each week

Large and small group sessions will meet at The Chapel on Wednesday evenings. Large group sessions will include games, worship, teaching, and food followed the next week by smaller groups featuring more in-depth discussions. It’s a great time to build relationships and share your thoughts about your faith. Come 'RELOAD' your spiritual life this Wednesday night!

Register for Reload

air hocket table and ping pong table in front of a wall with graffiti that says reverb

student leadership team

Jesus made it clear that to lead is to serve. To be last is to be first. Student leaders are a called group of students that desire this in their lives. They realize that Reverb isn’t all about them but is about serving others in the ministry and making it excellent. Our student leaders go through an interview and application process to become part of the team and meet routinely with adult leaders who challenge them and make them aware of areas for service.


Where would Timothy have been without a Paul? Where would our students be without loving adults pouring into their lives both face to face and behind the scenes? Adult leaders are invaluable to reaching, mentoring, teaching and serving the students in Reverb. Adults are encouraged to come observe Reload and other activities we do and see if God might be calling them to serve the students. If so, they apply and interview for the position and start building relationships with students. They meet often to help plan events and stay informed as well.

Connect 6 8

Connect 6 8 is a summer program for students finishing 6th through 8th grade to get connected in REVERB Student Ministries. On Thursdays throughout the summer, students have the chance to build relationships with one another and connect through various activities including paintball, bowling, wallyball, swimming and more.



Each year, Cape Bible Chapel students, their friends, and a band of brave leaders board buses and head off for a week of resurgence, revival, and not nearly enough sleep (just ask the leaders!). These great camps, with a service focus, have become a highlight of spiritual renewal, social connection, and salvation among attending students.

blurred scene of teenagers on the beach of an ocean
wall with hanging framed tshirts of various colors and designs

mission trip/fall retreat

As the cold starts to arrive, students have a chance mid-semester to take a trip to connect and serve. Over the course of a weekend, they will study the Word together, have fun together and serve together. The latest trips have been to East St. Louis and Pinecrest Camp in Fredricktown, MO.

Disciple Now

Disciple Now is a life-changing local weekend retreat with students (6th-12th grades) from all over Cape County. Students staying with their friends in host homes of caring families from our church. Trusted small group leaders facilitate Bible study, prayer, relationship building and discussions in the host homes. The groups then travel to the host church for worship and messages from a guest speaker.

DNow is typically held during February each year.

parking garage with concrete supports, maroon color overlay
stacks of plates and bowls with rice dish
young child sitting on ground in ragged clothing

compassion international

To give a drink to someone that’s thirsty or give a visit to someone in need is to do it for Jesus Himself. We are challenged to care for the needs of the less fortunate and to share the gospel with those of foreign lands. Our partnership with Compassion International allows us to do just that. Our students’ lives “reverb” across the globe as we sponsor two children through Compassion. Students give their money and prayers weekly to support them. We also write letters of encouragement to them and send them pictures of our students. Learn more about Compassion HERE.