MY cbc

Member Resources

The resources below are aimed at helping you stay connected and cared for as a part of The Chapel family. Contact the office if you have a question or are looking for something not listed below.

Church Center app

The Church Center app makes it easy to register for groups & events, listen to messages, request prayer, give online, and more. To download the app, click on the buttons below or search for "Church Center" in your app store (it's published by a company called Planning Center). After it's downloaded, follow the prompts to access. Contact the office if you have any questions or problems.

Download on the App Store

Get it on Google Play


The Chapel Photo Directory is part of the Church Center App. It's a great way to learn the names and faces of your church family AND allow new members to get to know you. Use it to help you pray for and serve our local body of believers. You can update your own information and upload pictures for each member of the family. Your information is secure; only those who are invited by a church admin can access the directory, and you choose what contact information you feel comfortable sharing.

Members and regular attenders are invited to join (contact The Chapel office for instructions and/or permission to access the directory).


We send out prayer requests, announcements and messages from the pastors/elders, and updates from Chapel-supported missionaries all via our email prayer chain.

Sign up for Chapel emails

The Chapel Library

The Chapel Library features commentaries and studies, fiction and non-fiction, children's books, and DVDs. The library is located in the lobby. Librarians are generally available before and after services to help locate and check out books. A paper check out system is also available throughout the week.

Online Library Catalog


Find books referenced in messages and sermons HERE.

Our elders

The New Testament prescribes a plurality of leadership guiding and shepherding Christ's church. The Elders function under the authority of the Word of God and guide the spiritual welfare of the church.


Our elders meet monthly to pray for our church and provide oversight. Minutes from Elders' Meetings are available to Chapel members through a password protected page. Contact the office for the current password.


The Chapel Elders value your thoughts and ideas. If you have a general question or concern, please click HERE.


Chapel members are generally encouraged to share prayer requests with their small group or Bible study and are welcome to invite the church to join in prayer through The Chapel Prayer Chain. Email requests can be submitted online to the church office or by calling 573.334.5948.

If you have a more specific or urgent need (i.e. a marriage crisis, an overnight or extended hospital stay, diagnosis of a severe illness, or death or terminal illness of an immediate family member), please reach out using the online form which will go directly to one of our elders. You can alternatively call the office at 573.334.5948 and our staff will communicate directly with the elders.


"And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased." - Hebrews 13:16

Benevolence Purpose & Process

The Benevolence Purpose and Process outlines the scope of our benevolence ministry providing instructions for requesting assistance or recommending someone for assistance, as well as community resources available in our area.

Request Assistance


At times in our lives it can feel like a fog has descended upon us, making it difficult for us to find our way out of the darkness. God's sufficient Word is the light that breaks through this darkness, giving us clarity, hope, and strength during a time when all feels lost. (1 Corinthians 10:13) 

The Chapel's FREE Care Ministry gives biblical guidance for your relationship with Christ and others. No matter our struggles - interpersonal relationships, marriage, anxiety, PTSD, abuse, adoption, infertility, abortion, parenting, addictions, sexual issues, guilt and shame, anger, depression or Christian faith issues - God's Word does have the answers.

Learn more about Biblical Counseling

meal trains

Meal Trains offer an organized way for friends and family to deliver home-cooked meals to someone going through a challenging time. These meals demonstrate love and support to Chapel members with tangible and functional help. Typical life events where Meal Trains have been helpful are infant births, infant loss, surgeries where there is significant recovery, and specific illness or injury where the routine family functions have been significantly disrupted.

Best Practices for Meal Trains: Suggestions & Tips


Marriage is a gift from God that reflects the relationship Christ has with His church (Ephesians 5). The wedding ceremony is a special event in the life of a man and woman where they publicly ask God to make them one in the bonds of marriage. The commitment made to one another before the Lord in the wedding ceremony is sacred and holy. Cape Bible Chapel desires couples approach marriage according to Biblical standards and in a way that is pleasing to God. 

If you are engaged to be married, we encourage you to seek premarital counseling. Please call (537-334-5948) or email us to set up a time to meet with an elder or pastor.

The use of our facilities for weddings is limited to Chapel members. For more information, call (537-334-5948) or email the office.

Wedding Information Guide for Members

Bridal & baby showers

Showers provide a special time to celebrate some of the biggest moments in our lives. They allow us to praise our great God, the Giver of all good gifts, and Jesus, who provided the best gift of all, our salvation. Many times friends, co-workers, or relatives of the woman being honored may not know the Lord or attend church, so it’s a great opportunity to point them to Christ as we celebrate in a way that is different from the world. 

The Chapel is available as a location for members based on availability. Contact the office for details.

Guide to Hosting a Christ-Centered Bridal or Baby Shower

We hope this document will help you be intentional in honoring both the bride-to-be/expectant mom and the Lord.

Funerals / visitations

It is our privilege to minister to the families of our church after the loss of a loved one. A funeral service is both a meaningful way to honor a loved one as well as an opportunity to share the hope we have through the resurrection of Jesus. The worship center may be used for visitation and funeral services of Chapel members, based on availability. The Chapel also offers a family meal following the service of an active church member. Contact the office for more information.

Spotify playlists

We have several playlists we hope will lead you in praise to God and help you keep your focus on Him.

View Playlists