celebrating our risen savior!

"Why do you seek the living among the dead? He is not here, but has risen." Luke 24:5-6

Palm Sunday Service

Sunday, APRIL 13th - 10:30am

Palm Sunday marks the start of holy week - the beginning of the end of Jesus' earthly ministry. Join us for worship as we remember the events leading up to the cross.

Good Friday Service

Friday, APRIL 18th - 6:00pm

Begin Easter weekend by setting aside time to join us in song, prayer, and reflection as we look at Jesus' work on the cross during this special Good Friday service.

Easter Sunday Worship

Sunday, APRIL 20th - 10:30am

We'll celebrate the resurrection of Jesus during our 10:30am Easter Worship Service.

Come early at 9:45 for coffee and donuts.

*Sunday School classes and Kids Worship will not meet on Easter Sunday. Nursery will be available for young ones through age three.